I realized I've fallen a bit behind in my rescue updates. Loveable Larry has settled in to Mary Helen's, I had secretly hoped she would keep him but I guess it's not a love match so once we get his diarrhea under control he will be needing a forever home.
We have a few other kittens also needing homes. This is Tink and Tonks, who were feral kittens at Maria's, now socialized and almost five months old.
Tink and Tonks |
Then there's Maddie and her two siblings, also rescued from a feral colony.
Maddie |
And of course beautiful Lake, seven months old, still a bit shy but so sweet.
Lake |
I really hope we can get them into homes soon. It feels like winter has come on too soon too fast I'm not ready and it breaks my heart every day seeing my ferals out in the weather, I'm so grateful these ones are in.
And here's some photos of ones that have found homes, I love getting the photos adopters send in, it keeps me going when I'm tired or discouraged.
Milo the tabby underneath was adopted by my neighbour last year, and this year when I sent out a photo of Winston, she couldn't resist, and their family grew. Clearly they are great friends.
Pepper and Cinnamon, now Bullet and Lucy, were feral kittens from Niagara Falls that I took in, they were adopted by Cory and got to stay together, how great is that.
I just hope the ones waiting get such wonderful homes!