Lest you think that every day I trudge off to feed the cats on my own, let me clear things up and tell you about the wonderful community of cat lovers I am part of. These cats were being cared for before I came on the scene by a number of wonderful people: Sandi, her husband Robbin, Aaffien and Tory. This winter with Sandi away Brenda has stepped in to help feed and now Brandy will join us too. My husband Steve comes with me most days and loves these cats as much as I do. This way we can make sure that every day the cats have food and fresh water. The other night a lovely friend of Sandi's, Carol, came by my house with a big supply of food. It is heartening to discover all these animal lovers out there.
Even Harry, who lives in a dry-docked boat, puts out food for the cats. He's also added some decorations in the cats' trailer.

This trailer has been fantastic. All the boat cats use it. It's not heated, but it's sheltered and dry and they can curl up out of the elements. It looks a bit lived in but for the cats it's a home of sorts.

Here are Lily and Tina having a much needed drink of water.

This is Queenie, formerly of the tree cats, now called the pontoon cats. We should call her Queen of the dumpsters. She is always dirty. The other day I found her perched up high on a garbage truck, happily munching away on something. Anything to survive.