It's been quite the busy week at the colonly. On Tuesday I got a call from the recycling company near our colony saying they had found very small kitten and didn't know what to do with it. I called Connie, who has a colony near us, and amazingly, just like that, she said she would foster it. Here's little Turtle at Connie's house.

Isn't he the cutest thing? The vet thinks he's about four weeks old and unfortunately has a URI but Connie will do her best to get him fixed up. He'll need bottle feeding and is really too young to be away from his mom but the good news is that he'll be easy to socialize and will be ready for a home in about a month. Connie is an angel for taking care of this little guy.
Meanwhile, last weekend, we picked up Jo, the six month old, after being spayed, and returned her to the colony. Teddy, the boss of the bunch, approves her release.

It was so sweet to see who we presume is her brother greet her. They played together and Jo seemed overjoyed to see him and be back.

I did a quick count the other day of all the cats we see regularly and it came out to 23 cats that we are taking care of! That's a lot of cats (and a lot of cat food).

Jackson is such a funny guy, always first in to the food.