Even though the fall has been lovely, the nights are getting cool so we decided we should get the cats ready for the cold weather. Last Saturday we loaded up the car with straw and styrofoam and headed down.

Three hours of hard work later we had one area all done, fresh straw in the all the shelters, everything all tidied up. Here is the trailer at Harry's with its fresh floor and lots of cozy sleeping spots. Next week we will work on Hank's - it's not quite as glamorous over there.

And although I swore I was taking a break from other cat rescue projects, when these pictures came in, I just couldn't turn away. A friend of Sandi's has a group of feral cats, some of whom have had kittens.

After lots of emails and phone calls, I found a foster home for this little orange guy and will TNR a couple of the adults. I also found a colony caretaker nearby to help with the remaining ones and the homeowner has expressed interest in learning more about TNR.

Feral cat colony management really needs the caregivers to get involved, it's not enough to just feed, TNR is key. If I can save this guy and get these people on the road to having a colony all spayed and neutered, then it's worth the investment of my time - even though I would much rather curl up on the sofa and watch House. Ironically, Maggie, my rescued colony cat, is the only one of my cats who sits with me there.