This is Katie, the three month old that Connie has been fostering. Connie was crying when I picked Katie up this morning. She's off to be spayed and then she will be up for adoption. I guarantee she won't last the weekend.
I've been so worried about the ferals in this weather but when I fed today most of the cats were there. Best of all, Minky has reappeared and Socks was on the ground, back to their usual routine. And I saw Chester, first time since he was released a week ago. The floppy eared black cat was also at the dumpster, I only see him once in a blue moon. Somehow they are surviving. We have lots of shelters and there are other spots for them to huddle in. If only I could figure out how to keep the canned food and water from freezing. Luckily most of the cats come as soon as we arrive. We all use a clicker to announce our presence, it really helps, especially in this weather.
What a darling cat. I'm still putting food down every night for cats that I haven't seen since December. The food disappears every night. I hope they are ok but I have no way of knowing. Deb