Who we are

Cherry Street Cats is me (Robin), my husband Steve, Sandi, Michelle, Verena, Vinyse, Derek, Kent, and Connie, a group of dedicated cat lovers who care for a colony of feral cats in the east end of Toronto. I also have a great rescue team of Lesley, Joanne, and Susan. Together we do our best to make the lives better for feral and homeless cats and kittens. 900+ cats helped in nine years!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January thaw

I have to admit I like the warmer temperatures, although I'm sick with a cold so mostly inside anyway, but there are no sick days when you feed feral cats.  The cats are happy that it's not bone chillingly cold, but now they have to deal with the melting snow and ice and the pools of water.  There's hardly a dry patch anywhere and the cats jump from high spot to high spot.  On the weekend I was scrounging wood to make little bridges for them to get to their shelters and feeding spots.
Teddy and Lily, a sad photo in a way, Lily is Teddy's last surviving friend

Teddy showing his age

Hank picks his way along the ice
Teddy's ears have been bleeding recently, he has chronic ear problems, and I need to get him to the vet, but that's easier said than done.  He's been trapped before, and no way is he going to eat on the ice.

Off to feed and then back to bed.


  1. Poor Teddy. He does look old. I see he has lost his ears to frost-bite, too? I hope you can get him some relief. Hugs

  2. Oh, I meant to say "get well soon"
