Who we are

Cherry Street Cats is me (Robin), my husband Steve, Sandi, Michelle, Verena, Vinyse, Derek, Kent, and Connie, a group of dedicated cat lovers who care for a colony of feral cats in the east end of Toronto. I also have a great rescue team of Lesley, Joanne, and Susan. Together we do our best to make the lives better for feral and homeless cats and kittens. 900+ cats helped in nine years!

Monday, August 25, 2014

New homes

There were lots of homes for kittens this past week.  Cinnamon and Pepper, who were originally rescued from a woodlot three months ago, are now in a wonderful home together.
Cinnamon and Pepper in their new home
My little white kitten went home with Cara Thursday night and is now Albus.  I knew she was the right person for him when she took him even though he started experiencing terrible diarrhea that day.  Even though I had him dewormed and had done a fecal apparently he still had some parasites, but she didn't care, and now he's recovered and is doing well.  Unfortunately it meant deworming all my guys, oh well, a small price to pay.

One of Michelle's foster kittens found a home the day before she was supposed to go to THS, but she got returned when she scratched the resident dog, so now Michelle has adopted Clove, that too was truly meant to be.

I took Clara to the sanctuary on Saturday.  I was sad to leave her, but she has a big enclosure of her own to start while she adjusts and she will have access to food and the air is fresh and there are trees there.  When I took her on last year I took responsibility for her but right now this feels like the best scenario for her.  I think if I hadn't gone looking and found her after she disappeared she would have died.  I saw Petal, one of the other cats I took there two years ago, who had nowhere to go, and she looks so healthy and happy.  I hope it works out as well for Clara.

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks like Cinnamon and Pepper have settled in just fine, what a pair of insouciant kittens!! I'm so pleased they got to stay together.

    Best of luck for Clara, hope she settles in and stays healthy at the sanctuary.
