It was a rough week I must admit, two euthanasias back to back is hard to handle, so I cry but keep moving. We picked up Hank today and took him back home. He had a few days bed rest and some meds, his paw seems much better. I was concerned that I hadn't seen Socks all week so I was very happy to see him with the gang today.
Socks, Minky and Lily |
Cherry Street isn't my only feeding spot, I feed at four other places, oh wait it's actually five other spots, just not every day.
This is a laneway colony, the main feeder moved away so Richard and I now take care of them. There are seven cats here, 3 black, 3 gray and a Siamese.
On of my laneway colonies |
And then there is my other laneway colony, these cats used to live in Gloria's backyard until she sold the house and moved away. There are about ten cats left here.
Tilda at another laneway colony |
I can't forget Mystery and her buddies. They live on a city property, Mystery loves her shelter, she is always sitting in it when we arrive.
Mystery coming out of her shelter |
I've got a couple of tame cats in foster care and hoping to rescue a couple of other possible tame ones before the winter. It's almost time to put away the traps and get out the boots. I'm hoping for a quieter and happier week....
Your heart breaks for them with winter coming. I really hope for a mild winter as predicted.