Ten and a half years ago, before my rescue days, we set out to adopt a kitten. We had lost 4 cats in 4 years and needed some new life in the house. We discovered a tiny fluffy orange kitten at a vet for adoption, before we were to take him home he had a prolapsed anus, but we said no matter what happened we still wanted him. Thankfully that was all fixed up and we brought our boo boo Baxie baby home, he was an adorable kitten.
Recently we've noticed him losing weight although he was eating well, but his bloodwork was normal. Then last week he developed horrible diarrhea and stopped eating, and meds weren't working. After an ultrasound we got terrible news, that he had an aggressive lymphoma. Baxter was clearly in pain and distress so today he crossed the Rainbow Bridge. No matter how many times I have to have a cat euthanized, it still breaks my heart. I told Baxter I would see him again across the bridge but not for many more darks, I still have lots of cats who need me.
Goodbye my beautiful Baxter we will always miss you.
Sincere condolences. A prayer candle was lit for Baxter. Hugs ... Susan, Ace, Cowboy and Scout.