Just about two weeks ago, while I was trying to catch Hank, I noticed that MC seemed to be having a bit of trouble eating, so I managed to easily scoop her up and get her to the vet. She had a mouthful of rotten abcessed teeth so out they all came. MC is estimated to be around 10 but otherwise seems healthy. She's not the most feral, we've been able to pat her briefly, but not tame enough to be happy inside so I returned her to the colony yesterday. She meowed the whole way back there in the car and rushed out of the carrier.
I had to tell her the sad news about her friend Hank, though, poor MC liked him. Many years ago she was best friends with a little calico who got hit by a truck, I just hope Pseudo, Floppy and Jet will be nice to her. We have a little shrine in the trailer with ashes of some of the cats who we have lost.Here is Mystery, one of my other customers at a nearby location. She found a newspaper to sit on and bask in the sun. Now that's a well fed cat!
Mystery looks like my Audrey. So, Robin, I saw you on Global News tonight. You sure do have your work there with so many ferals. I heard them say there are one hundred thousand ferals in the Toronto area. :(((