I seem to have acquired a new mini-colony in my neighbourhood.

A few months ago I was out for a walk and spotted a litter of kittens living in a sorely neglected yard. I knocked on the door and the elderly lady said "would you like them", the mother cats and kittens were living in the yard and she was planning to sell the house. Aaffien and I trapped them, the kittens went off to foster homes, the mom got spayed and returned. The next door neighbour thankfully agreed to help feed. I've been going up most days to feed Suzie the black cat and then Bruno, who I'm sure was the father, appeared too.

The house has been sold and is now under construction so every night I sneak in the yard and feed these two. Suzie (the black one on the right) is pretty feral but Bruno has turned out to be a sweetie.

He's very chatty and friendly and I desperately want to find him a home. No, not my home, I'm past cat capacity but he needs somewhere to live before the winter and before the new owners move in. He is so nice!

Know anyone who would give him a foster or forever home? I would get him neutered, vaccinated, dewormed, all fixed up and provide food and litter. How can you resist that cute face? Tonight he tried to follow me home:(