I just realized it's been a while since I posted. It's the clean up time of the year, finally less kittens being born, the days getting colder, the darkness coming on faster, and time to get everyone settled before winter sets in.
Toulouse and Poppy I can happily report have found a home with a lovely family and best of all they get to stay together. Storm and Blue, two other rescues have found homes. Still 10 more kittens looking for homes, Michelle has six and Susan has two. Just working on getting them totally healthy.
My trapping is winding down for the season, almost all of Gloria's colony is done, and I've taken her shelters so the cats will have someplace warm. We've been cleaning up down at the yard and sprucing up the shelters with fresh straw. I hate the winter for the cats sake (and mine for feeding in it).
So it's been a lot of miscellany, I just took in a lovely cat who seemed to be abandoned, but his person has popped up so he has to be returned even though it's not the best of homes. Those situations are always hard.
It's always heartbreaking at this time of the year seeing cats abandoned or living outside, I got an email today about an orange guy down by the Don River, clearly not where he is meant to be.
The only upside to this time of the year is getting to turn on my gas fireplace. Maggie, who three years ago was living in the colony, now curls up in front of the fireplace every time it is on. Lucky cat!
Maggie in her previous life, now safe and warm |
Sorry for the snow photo, I know it's way too soon to even think of it, but I did get a Christmas flyer on the weekend.