Who we are

Cherry Street Cats is me (Robin), my husband Steve, Sandi, Michelle, Verena, Vinyse, Derek, Kent, and Connie, a group of dedicated cat lovers who care for a colony of feral cats in the east end of Toronto. I also have a great rescue team of Lesley, Joanne, and Susan. Together we do our best to make the lives better for feral and homeless cats and kittens. 900+ cats helped in nine years!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Mass trapping in the country

Yesterday our dream team of myself, Lesley, Susan and Sandi headed northeast an hour out of the city to help out with a mass trapping at a barn.  It was a beautiful morning to help cats!

Farmer Ron has a large colony at his farm but wanted to get them spayed and neutered thankfully. Quite a few cats were inside a building and Susan managed to lure many of them into traps and we trapped a few more outside and rescued three little kittens!  By the end of it, we had thirteen adults and three kittens to drive back into the city, leaving only a few adults unfixed but there were a lot of calicos and torties in our bunch so lots of females.  Sadly most of the kittens who had been born this year had died so we were glad to get the ones we could, there were two other little black kittens we just couldn't catch.  We loaded up just before a thunderstorm hit, today they will all be spayed and neutered and then returned in a few days.  The farmer seems to genuinely like them and feeds them twice a day.  It was definitely well worth the drive!

1 comment:

  1. You and your team did pretty good job, not every one thinks in the same way. This information needs to be shared with others for appreciation. Thanks for posting it
