Just a quick update that of the 10 cats that were trapped last Monday, three are going into foster homes, sadly one had to be euthanized as she was very ill, and the rest went back to their "home". We still have lots more work to do there but we made a good start.
No rest though, the problems kept piling up, first we went again to try to convince the property owner at the CG colony to let us keep the shelters and feeding stations there, or at least one or two, but he is getting too many complaints from his neighbours, so sadly as of next weekend the cats won't have any shelters or anywhere dry to eat. It's heartbreaking the lack of compassion many people have. We are still trying to find other spots but no luck so far. Of course we will still feed them but their lives will be much harder.
Then I got a call from the daughter of the woman who used to live there and fed the cats in her backyard, she had taken in three cats from the colony when she moved, and continued to feed, we would visit her and the cats. This winter she fell ill and now won't be able to return home so the cats have to be rehomed.
Lionel is a friendly old diabetic guy, we rushed him to the vet on Friday once we found out he hadn't had his insulin in three weeks. They are just going to stabilize him and then Lynn is going to foster him!
Lionel |
The other two, Thelma and Houdini, are still very shy even though they have been inside for a couple of years, they will be a bit trickier to place
Thelma |
Houdini had to have an eye removed and was named that because the first time I trapped him he managed to escape from the trap overnight, that's why I always zip tie them now!
Houdini |
When I think and worry about getting older the only thing I care about is what will happen to my cats.