I inhabit a strange and wonderful world now, where I have people I can call for help on a Saturday night while standing in a vet's office waiting for one of our ferals to get fixed up.
When I went to feed on Friday I noticed that Sophie, a tiny tortie, was injured, dried blood all over her throat and chest. Thankfully she was eating but was skin and bones and didn't look in good shape at all. Saturday Aaffien and I went back with a trap and of course KFC. Sophie emerged from a shelter once we started to feed so we put out the trap and she just walked right in as if she was waiting for us to come and help. Thankfully the Beaches Animal Hospital was still open and agreed to see us.
Sophie was sedated and examined. Poor thing has 14 or 15 superficial wounds that were infected, probably attacked by some animal. I saw them and the sight of her was so upsetting. The vet cleaned her up and gave her an antibiotic shot. The challenge them became where to keep her for a week or two so she can recover.
After a few frantic calls, Connie came through and offered up her guest room. Sophie is resting there in a carrier in a large crate. There is nothing to do other than let her heal, she can't be handled. Sophie is eating well so that's a good sign. The ferals are survivors, they have to be.
What a graphic representation of the tough life ferals have. I'd like to show a picture of her with her wounds to people who don't believe in spay/neuter because this is one of the results. Sophie, and all the others like her, exist because of irresponsible pet owners.
OK, enough preaching, back to praying for Sophie's recovery, back to taking care of the others still there, back to preventing more from being born to that life.