My husband said the last two posts were kind of downers but I want this blog to reflect the reality of caring for a feral colony. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's frustrating, but ultimately satisfying knowing that I'm improving the lives of these cats.
Here's Hank being released after being neutered. After release, they may stay away for a day or two, but always come back to the food source.

Here's a shot of Queenie we took as we drove up.

I always feel happy when the cats eagerly eat their Friskies. I wonder what it is about people that makes us enjoy watching animals eat. Feeding time is the most popular time at the zoo. Maybe it makes us feel needed. Lily and Biff share a bowl. It's amazing how a large group of cats all co-exist.

This is Mo on the left, a new resident. The cats have accepted him and his sister Jo even though they came from another colony on the property.

And everyone loves kittens! This is Jo, I think she's about 3 1/2 to 4 months old now, got to get her spayed soon. A female can get pregnant as early as 6 months old.

Biff just staring at us.
Just returned from placing food for some ferals in our area. I saw 3 tonight. No one is trapping them as yet. When I know they are there it would bother me to think they are hungry. You do such wonderful work, I hope you know that.