The weather has been milder and the snow is melting. We definitely see more cats on a nice day. You can't see them all in this photo, but there were 8 cats at the pontoon. Usually we only see a few, they're very skittish, and mostly wait until after we leave to eat but no waiting here.
That's MC front left, Queenie front right and an unnamed black cat in the center. We know there at least 3 black cats at this location, only because I've seen them all at once.

Most days MC is waiting when we arrive. I still think she had a home at some point. She gets quite close to us but that experiment of taking her to Sandi's didn't work, sadly.

I love this photo of Tina. She is always excited to see us and eager to eat. Sometimes she's a sorry sight with her matted fur and cloudy eye but she's a group favourite.

Tibbs has been pretty shy since she got returned to the colony in November. I think it was stressful for her to be at the Humane Society for almost two months. Thankfully though she won't be having any more kittens.

Thank God for people like you. We have ferals in our little town and they too are being fed daily. Many were trapped and neutered and some of the females were adopted but unfortunately most of them have remained quite feral in their homes. They seem fine but the owners still cannot pick them up. The feral cat situation in every city in our country is so sad. Your cats are some of the lucky ones. Good luck..I will follow your blog as I am now very intreged with your work. Take care, Deb