Sunday turned into an all cat rescue day. We tried to trap the remaining cats I wrote about on my last blog, but to no avail. We only saw one cat who would not come near the trap. That project is ongoing, we need to get the rest, as we especially worried that one may be pregnant. We're regrouping and restrategizing.
Then Brenda, one of our group, discovered kittens under a porch a few doors down from her. Naturally, Cherry Street Cats sprung into action. Apparently the mother is a stray and somehow these kittens have survived being born in the winter. Based on their appearance we guessed about six weeks old, old enough to be separated from mom and socialized.
Under the porch Aaffien went and came out with the black and white kitten pictured above.

She took it home while we decided what to do next. Toronto Cat Rescue (thank you so much!!!) found a foster home who would take the kittens so we went back and managed to catch two more. We just couldn't get to the others.
Here's a picture of them all snuggled together at their new home, safe and warm.
Thankfully at this age they are easily tameable, they were already easy to handle. They are so adorable!

Don't worry, we are not giving up on the rest. We'll be going back to figure out a way to rescue them too and then will get the mother spayed. I guess kitten season has already started, the season all cat rescues dread. At least these guys will go to wonderful homes instead of living out a miserable life on the street. I tumbled into bed after a hot bath, tired but satisfied.