A few weeks ago I was contacted by a woman who has been feeding a group of cats for the last couple of months. Problem is, they are living in a sensitive wildlife habitat plus the trailer they have been using for shelter will be demolished very soon. These poor cats were dumped in this location and a group of us have been working to find a place to relocate them to. Relocating ferals is a last resort but they really can't stay where they are. Toronto Cat Rescue has been trying to find them a barn to live in.
The three grey cats we suspect are siblings and the orange cat is apparently 12 years old. We have someone willing to take the orange one in.

On Wednesday we set out to trap as many as we could. Within minutes we caught two grey cats. A third timidly came out to eat but retreated just short of the trap. We waited and waited to no avail.

Two is a good start, so we trundled off down the road (it's a bit of a walk out) with the traps on our borrowed wagon.

The cats went to the vet for spaying and neutered. Turns out one is male, one female. We'll go back to get the rest. The cats will board at the vet until we find them a place to go, but time is ticking, they need somewhere within the next week. I'm hoping the universe provides.

Back at my own colony, we returned Henry after his neuter. A couple more neuters and it's just maintenance. Yeah, right, that's what I always say and then something happens.
I just hope we can find a happy (well relatively) ending for the grey cats.
Good luck with them. You do such great work. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x5