Well the weekend was a little busier in the cat department than I would have wanted but it was all worth it. On Saturday we picked up Mo from the vet and returned him, all neutered and with an antibiotic injection to help his injury heal. Jo, his sister, was so happy to see him, she wouldn't let him out of her sight.
On Sunday I got a call from a couple who were interested in Henry. They sounded lovely and had three rescued cats, one of whom was just rescued from an area near our colony.
The problem was we couldn't find Henry. Then on Monday I heard from a feeder nearby who thought he had spotted Henry and when we went down there he was, he would have had to cross a large parking lot and a street to get to his new location. In further conversations, it sounded like maybe Henry had been going back and forth between two locations, totally dangerous.

Henry seems to be doing well, has already sat in their lap. Soon he will be introduced to their other cats and I'm just crossing my fingers and paws that all goes well and Henry is in his forever home. I couldn't wish for nicer people to take him. I'm overjoyed we got him out of there, especially because we're missing two cats, Tibbs hasn't been seen for weeks and Clayton told us that Clyde, his orange cat, has been gone for a week. It's a hard life and not one I would wish for any cat but my prayers have been answered and at least Henry doesn't have to endure the cold, the rain or the hunger again.
Another one saved. Good luck to Henry.