I am pleased to report that the last couple of weeks have been business as usual at the colony. Feeding, watering, fending off flies, clambering over boat trailers to get to the feeding station.

Hank is looking better these days, I think he's just old.

This is Morris, a new cat who we see occasionally. He stays way back. It's a shame the other cats can't be more welcoming, there's more than enough food for everyone.

Mo has a funny patch now on his back but it seems to be clearing up. I'm sure I couldn't get him back in that trap anyway.

Henry is apparently content in his new home and Maggie sat beside me on the sofa last night. Since last fall we've had 5 cats die/disappear (still no sign of Clyde) and Henry and Maggie have been adopted so it feels like our numbers are dwindling. I usually see about 15 cats now. At one point it was 20. I feel sad when I think that someday there will be none even though I know that is the point of all the spaying/neutering/adoptions. Feeding them is a burden, but a burden I enjoy and I feel an attachment to all of them. It's kind of like having braces in my 30's, don't regret it but wouldn't necessarily do it again.
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