Lesley and I have been trapping at a new colony this spring, if you may remember the first time out we got six cats! Then one and now nothing. There are three females left to be spayed, two had kittens who died, and we didn't know what happened with the third litter, but last week a neighbour spied them in her yard, and discovered they were under the deck. With the warm sunny weather on the weekend the kittens came out to play and were able to be grabbed. Two days three kittens safe! They are probably about six weeks and Michelle is having a great time with them, they are figuring out eating and playing and just utterly delightful. Thankfully they didn't have enough time to decide to be feral! We have two black and white females and the grey and white is male. These floofs will be snapped up! I can't spend much time with them I too may succumb to their charms.
Ariel, Puck and Ophelia |
Puck our boy |
Ophelia the last to be caught |
It is always so heartwarming knowing these loves will have a wonderful life!
Awww… That is really cute, although I am not a pet person but this looks so cute. Thank you for sharing it with us