Who we are

Cherry Street Cats is me (Robin), my husband Steve, Sandi, Michelle, Verena, Vinyse, Derek, Kent, and Connie, a group of dedicated cat lovers who care for a colony of feral cats in the east end of Toronto. I also have a great rescue team of Lesley, Joanne, and Susan. Together we do our best to make the lives better for feral and homeless cats and kittens. 900+ cats helped in nine years!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Another little orphan

Last week, on a much nicer day, we went trapping again to our Scarborough locations.  After a number of hours we finally ended up with six cats.  Alas it turned out five of those six were males, still a good thing, but it means we have females to trap that are being difficult.

We also picked up the last two kittens from one location and were giving the last two a few more days when Larry called to say that one couldn't use its back legs.  Sadly the little orange kitten had suffered a spinal injury, hard to know what happened, maybe he fell, and had to be euthanized.  It is always heartbreaking to lose a tiny kitten.  His sister is doing well though with Susan, and we hope that if she gets the all clear she can be with Aggie, our cute little black kitten who is also alone.

Nobody said cat rescue was easy but we win more than we lose, and already we have rescued 17 kittens who won't grow up to be feral cats, but instead will have loving homes.  Now to get those moms so we don't have 17 more to rescue in a few months!

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