Well I went from not much happening to full on craziness.
This cute kitten was living outside on a neighbour's porch with the mother until last weekend. When I found out what was going on I offered to find a home for the kitten and get the mom spayed.

Annie Sparkles is at Connie's right now, getting lots of love. She is about 11 weeks old and needs a home. Next week I will take the mother in to the vet and the neighbour has said she will continue to feed her.
At our colony Hank has not been looking good, barely eating and something strange going on around his mouth. With the help of a drop trap (I forgot to take pictures, too much going on) we managed to trap him and take him in to the vet.

Poor Hank's mouth was full of rotten teeth so we decided to go ahead and have almost all of them pulled out. I can't believe how much the bill is going to be but we all love Hank and if we recovers well then he could live happily for a few more years. It's so hard to know what the right decision is in these circumstances, I don't have the space here to describe how agonizing the decision making process can be.
I've also gotten myself involved in a mini mass trapping, more on that later, and next week I may have some good Bruno news to report. That is of course if I don't collapse from exhaustion first.
That kitten is so adorable. I can just feel her softness. You have been busy but a good busy. You do wonderful work, that's for sure.