I'm feeling totally overwhelmed right now, too many cats needing help, not enough resources.
I was able to trap the two other cats at the downtown location last week, 2 males, 2 females in total so I thought whew ok that's done. No sooner did I breathe a sigh of relief that I found out about a colony near me. I met a lovely older woman feeding numerous cats in her yard.
Big guy, back home after neutering |
Big girl hanging out, now spayed |
There seem to be about eight adults and numerous kittens. At first I thought there were only a few older kittens, around 10 weeks old, then when I was there more frequently I kept seeing more, 9 so far, and I only have space for 4. I found myself on the floor the other night crying over having to leave some behind and the enormity of this project. One of the cats gave birth on Sunday under a tree so just before the downpour we moved them into a carrier at least. It will take me so long to get them all TNRed, two at a time. I know I just have to press on, one thing at at time, but I'm so tired, and I always hate when I can't help them all. I've got cats all over the place now needing homes. I also just found out about another colony in Scarborough plus the one I just started TNRing there. Thankfully one of the feeders has taken in 7 kittens and the moms herself.
New colony, this guy is missing an eye |
Mom and one of the kittens |
Yet another kitten |
Sandi's foster kittens, lucky to be inside their whole lives |
I've already helped over 100 cats so far this year, TNRs, kittens, rescues, spays and neuters, no wonder I'm exhausted and still they keep coming. I have so much support that I'm grateful for, and I thank every one of you who helps me with fostering, recovery, transport, all those things. I wish it didn't feel like we were all putting our fingers in the dike but anyone who does cat rescue feels like this at the end of June.
My heart goes out to you. I see it here, too and know how frustrating it all is. God bless that little one eyed kitten. Whatever could have happened to it? The suffering that these little innocent souls go through sometimes boggles my mind. I,like you, just want to cry. The foster homes in our area are full, too but the people carry on and help wherever they can. One in particular, just finished trapping the last of a family of kittens and the mom and they are now safe in her home. I just delivered a case of food to her and she is exhausted but still able to crack a joke. I wish there were more like her and you. Please take care of yourself. You are only one person and your health is so important. Hugs, Deb