I really think this might be the most pathetic cat I have ever seen. Well, he has a happy story thanks to cat rescuers working together. This very friendly unferal cat showed up at a colony in the west end. The caretaker, hoping to reunite him with his home, took him to Animal Services.

Nobody claimed him and it was discovered he had serious ear problems and needed surgery. This was more than TAS could deal with and the caretaker sent out a plea for help, unable to take him herself or pay for expensive surgery. As soon as I saw the photo, I was hooked, and forwarded his plight along to some contacts at various rescues. Amazingly, Annex Cat Rescue offered to take him on. In the meantime, TAS contacted the Toronto Humane Society, and they also agreed to help him. So the upshot is he's off to the THS where he will be all fixed up and I'm sure someone will adopt this guy. Apparently he's super friendly and who cares if he's missing an ear.
It's great when cat rescues can all work to the same goal and I'm just so happy this cat will be OK and that I had a teeny tiny part in it, this cat being saved made my day.
Oh my gosh, he is a sight but your heart just melts looking at him He looks like a real cuddle-bug. You tell him I like a one-eared cat and thinks he is a real asset to any new owner. Best of luck to him.