Who we are

Cherry Street Cats is me (Robin), my husband Steve, Sandi, Michelle, Verena, Vinyse, Derek, Kent, and Connie, a group of dedicated cat lovers who care for a colony of feral cats in the east end of Toronto. I also have a great rescue team of Lesley, Joanne, and Susan. Together we do our best to make the lives better for feral and homeless cats and kittens. 900+ cats helped in nine years!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mid-week musings

I've been trying to figure out what I've been doing the last week, I just know it's been busy.

Ernie tells me I should be paying more attention to him.  I often worry that I spend so much time helping other cats that my own furry family gets a bit neglected.

I've been feeding the ferals and looking for new feeders, and thinking about how best to keep them warm this winter.  I discovered Penny has moved into an abandoned car.  I figured she had a new hiding spot but didn't know where it was until I followed her the other day.

The three older kittens trapped last week have all turned out to be able to be socialized.  Thank you Joanne for fostering, and thanks to Raven for her great evaluation.  Raven gets her cats to sit on command before dinner!

I've also gotten involved in a rooming house situation, funnily enough right by where I park my car for work.  We've gotten a couple of cats out (thank you Andrea) and hopefully can get a few more fixed very soon.  There's really only a good month or so left of trapping time before the winter and my list is not all checked off.  From November to March it's just buckle down and try to keep the ferals alive.

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